Find the Best Toys for Your Cat

Cats are naturally adventurous and curious creatures. They enjoy playing, exploring, and finding new things in their environment. Our house is full of cat toys, colorful balls, exciting towers, funny strings, and soft fabric dolls. The cats love having fun, chasing a little gray plastic mouse, or catching a flying bow.

Today, in our article, we discuss what kind of toys your cat would enjoy playing with and how to keep your furry family entertained and happy.  

More than anything, our boys enjoy spending time together and having their human family home together. Last week was extremely busy. I am starting a new job, and I spent long hours training and obtaining the required certification. Joey, our oldest cat, is my study buddy. We stayed in the room together. I read the materials to Joey and asked his opinion regarding the course. Joey was relatively patient; however, he kept walking back and forth on the deks, stepped on my keyboard, and meowed loudly.

Since our household had a higher workload in the last few days, the cats experienced an unusual lack of attention and entertainment. To make a long story short, the cats felt lonely. One night I heard a strange noise and picked in the room. Joey was alone, throwing a soft mouse in the air and trying to catch it.

Observe your cats in play.

My colleague recently asked about the best toys for a cat. The simple question left me in silence because I couldn’t come up with an answer.
What are the best toys for your cat?

The market offers myriads of pet toy choices. How to choose the right one and find what your cat would enjoy?

The truth is it depends on your cat’s personality, age, interests, and preferences. Some cats enjoy playing with toys, and others don’t care at all. Some cats prefer to chase your shoelace when you get ready for work in the morning. Observe your friend and figure out what she likes the most. Think about your cat and consider her age, health condition, and preferences.

Each of our cats has his thing.

Joey loves an orange plastic three-level tower with balls rolling around. He likes to push the balls around the circle and watch them. Sunny’s favorite play is chasing Marley, jumping on top of him, and gently biting each other. Marley prefers strings and would chase anything that hangs loose – a rope, belt, or ribbon. Marley is a light-speed fast cat and grabs things quickly.

Household items can make perfect toys.

You don’t need expensive toys to make your cat happy. Simple household items can make perfect cat toys. Cats enjoy a variety of materials and textures. Cardboard rolls from toilet paper or paper towels can be great entertainment for a while, and you may be surprised watching your cat throwing and chasing them around your living room.
Our cat’s favorite item is any type and size of a cardboard box. Sunny loves to climb into boxes and stay inside for a while. Every time we bring home a new item, Sunny has a few exciting hours of entertainment with boxes and packaging materials.

Be present for your cat.

Remember that the most important thing for your animal is your presence and companionship. No matter how many toys you have, your cat loves to spend time with you and around you. Even though some cats may enjoy the time alone, they still need you. Your cat’s day starts when he senses you coming home, long before he can hear your car approaching or your steps on the driveway. Your four-legged friend loves you unconditionally, regardless of your title, size of a paycheck, or social status. Animals thrive on love and attention. Be present for your cat and spend time of your day with him.

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