Meet Brandy, the Dog


Brandy is an energetic, gorgeous eleven-month-old puppy who came to our family at the end of last year. Regardless of the young age, Brandy looks taller than most adult grown dogs. Brandy’s full name is Brandon.

When we first saw him, our daughter Sasha named the puppy Brandy. Brandy was a perfect name for a brown plush dog; however, we realized that Brandy typically is a girl’s name. Since the puppy’s name fit well, we assigned Brandy a full name, Brandon.


People think that our Brandy’s name is Otter. You may ask: “But why is the otter?” Because our boy looks like one! His amazing dark shiny coat feels like a waterproof upper fur layer of a river otter. For the first few days, we called Brandy “Otter” more often than his name Brandy. The only thing that would give Brandy away was his big floppy ears. The ears of an otter are rounded and are much smaller.

Brandy’s Favorite Things.

Brandy is an athletic dog and has a lot of character. He spends his day moving around and exploring his surroundings. Nothing can escape Brandy’s observant eye and velvet brown nose. The only time when Brandy is not moving is when he is sleeping.

Brandy and Food.

Brandy truly enjoys eating and looks for every opportunity to obtain food. Our dog would eat anything, even the things not intended for food. Since his first days with us, Brandy has been looking forward to meal times and was anxious to receive his food. We researched brands of commercially prepared dog foods and found a good option. Every time Brandon devoured his food and asked for more.

One day Brandon started having stomach problems and profound diarrhea. We visited the veterinarian and tried multiple prescription diets. Brandy continued having diarrhea, regardless of medications and therapeutic diet.

Homemade food.

We had long-term research about holistic care and contemplated the idea of homemade food for our boys. After reading literature and researching YouTube recipes, we found a way to prepare food for our cats, Sunny and Joey, and Brandy, the dog. The new food recipe helped with Brandy’s stomach problems and resolved his diarrhea. We will discuss the recipe in a separate article.

Chewy toys.

Brandy is a young active dog who loves movement and exploration. When Brandy was young, we experimented with different toys.
We filled a shopping cart at a pet store with colorful ropes, balls, and funny animals. Nevertheless, papers, rocks, and wood sticks remained Brandy’s favorites.

Multi-species household.

Managing different species of animals presents a challenge for a family. Everyone in our home is used to their territory, smells, food, attention, and daily routine. Brandy’s new powerful energy brought a change and new adventures to the household. We work carefully to ensure everyone’s comfort, well-being, and happiness. All the boys have their rooms, beds, bowls, and privacy. They explore one another’s smells, sounds and adjust to each other’s presence.

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