Painting Rocks for Marley

Inspired by Marley’s Love.

Marley changed my life. Not only by being a best friend, listener, companion, a soulmate. I received a gift of inner connection with the world around me. Marley’s kindness, wisdom, and gentle, affectionate personality amazed me. Even though we are physically apart, I still feel his presence. Having Marley in my life made me a better person. With his help, I feel connected to my environment, community, animals, plants, and all living and non-living things.

Marley generously shared his unconditional love and never questioned anything about me. Marley didn’t care what kind of a person I was and what have I accomplished. All he knew was to sit on the stairs by the window and wait until I opened the door and walked into the house. He was happy to see me no matter how my day went and how tired I was. Marley was always there, waiting. He became such a part of my life that I could not imagine coming home and not seeing him by the window.

We Are Together Always.

Seven and a half months ago, everything changed. My world collapsed when we received the devastating news about Marley’s cancer. I was trying to wrap my head around the reality, but I had no idea we would lose each other so fast. In his last days, Marley was too weak and couldn’t walk downstairs. When I came home, I ran to our room to see him. He would lay on the bed, on my pillow, and wait. Marley’s face used to light up when we saw each other after a long night apart. We cuddled together, and I peacefully fell asleep next to Marley. I wished we could stop time and never be apart anymore

. A day before Marley’s passing, I opened the door and saw him sitting in his usual spot by the window as he used to before his illness. My handbag fell on the floor. I jumped to Marley, hugged and kissed him before I could think or wash my hands. For a moment, a spark of hope crossed my mind. Marley feels better. Maybe we can fight this horrific cancer together? I knew my boy used all his strength to walk the two flights of stairs and see me.

Our New Reality.

The doctor’s call, leaving work, driving to the hospital, everything seemed surreal. It seemed like I lived somebody else’s life. I still cry out loud, as I did back on that first day of Summer, like a child lost in a crowd. The feeling of desperation and emptiness is overwhelming.
All this time, I have been trying to find a meaning, a reason for what happened to us. I’ve been restless, confused, and lost. I read and hear everywhere that challenges serve a purpose. Difficulties help us to grow, develop and evolve our souls. The questions are infinite, and there are no answers. What can I learn when the light’s gone out of my life with his passing? How can I change the world if I struggle to manage my emptiness, apathy, and depression?

Painting Rocks for Marley.

I remember the excitement about starting the website inspired by the love of our boys, Sunny, Marley, Joey, and Smokey, our loving cat that we lost due to cancer in the past. We wanted to share our story and our endless love with the readers. There was an ocean of possibilities ahead of us.
I still have a love for my family, a lifetime passion for writing, and an enjoyment of blogging. We embrace our time with each other. We cherish every opportunity to be together. Quiet evening, a lazy sunny day, or a morning rush before leaving for work.
I have been restless and decided I will paint rocks for Marley. Rocks live their own sacred life and have spirit. They can be good friends, and I trust stones with my soul feelings. I will paint everything Marley loves. Our rocks will tell Marley’s story, bring the readers to places where Marley lived his life, and show Marley’s friends and the things he enjoyed most. We will place Marley’s rocks in our home and share them with the community. We want Marley’s story to touch hearts and inspire others to adopt stray cats and help cats in the community.

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