The Best Present for Your Cats Birthday

Two of our three cats have their birthdays in spring, back to back. We calculated Sunny’s birthday in 2015 when our daughter Sasha found him after her school event. Our first kitten was born on March 27th, and we recently celebrated his sevenths birthday. Marley came to our family from SNAP Cats as a grown cat, and we know his date of birth from his rescue records. Marley was born on April 1st and Joey’s birthday is December 12th.

With the boys’ birthdays next to each other, in this article, we would like to share some thoughts and insights about how to make your cat’s birthday very special and unique.

Every time around our cats’ birthdays, I think of good presents and activities for the boys. The stores offer myriads of items for our furry, four-legged friends. What would be the best gift for each of them? What would make my kittens happy and enjoy themselves?

My first idea was to buy more toys and interactive activities. I pictured the kittens running around the room after colorful balls and chasing flashy mice. We got a funny folding tunnel with a bunch of strings and attachments. The cats truly loved the tunnel; they jumped and played all evening. Sunny rolled inside the tunnel while other cats chased the attached strings with the toys.

While watching the cats having so much fun, I realized another thing this birthday season. The most precious gift is time. Time together is the most valuable present, no matter how much you pay for the toys and fun games. Until recently, I worked regular schedules, Monday through Friday, and was home every evening. We enjoyed each other’s company, and the boys slept in bed with us every night.

This year is different – I started a new job, and I work nights. The cats desperately watch me get ready for work and leave in the evenings. Even though the rest of the family is still home, they feel confused and lost. We talk to the boys about the new job. They patiently wait by the door in the mornings and greet me when I get home. They jump in bed with me, and we lay tightly next to each other, back to back. I feel like the cats cherish the time that we have together. Even it’s sleep time.

In addition to spending time with your friends, helping stray or shelter animals can be an excellent birthday gift for your cats. You can donate to a local animal rescue or another animal welfare organization. Volunteering your time, care items, or transport vehicle is a great way to help the animals in need.

Whatever the boys’ time is in cat years, every moment is precious. We decided not to worry about presents this cat’s birthday season. The boys got their favorite treats and plenty of tuna. We bought a few fun toys, and we gave the boys as much time as possible, playing, laying in bed, talking, and guffing together.

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