The Cats First Night Out

Joey’s Room

Sunny, Marley, and Joey knew about each other; however, they stayed in different rooms and didn’t interact with one another. Joey lives in the office, where he can comfortably look out of the window, enjoy the open view of the field, sleep in a soft, cozy bed and walk on top of the wide desk as much as he wants. Sunny and Marley frequently gathered by Joey’s door and waited to come in. After Joey’s first month in the family, we decided to introduce the cats to each other. First, we swapped the cat’s blankets and beds to let the boys get used to each other’s smells.

One evening, we opened Joey’s door and allowed the cats to meet in person for the first time. Joey carefully stepped outside of the office and started walking around the lounge. Sunny and Marley rushed to Joey’s room, to sniff the floor and check his food. For 15 minutes, everything went well. At some point, Sunny and Joey came close and started sniffing each other’s faces. The next moment, Joey hissed and swiped at Sunny with his paw. For a second, Sunny remained silent. Then he leaped forward, with his ears tacked on the back. Sunny was hissing and spitting; his mouth was wide open, and the teeth were exposed.

Our sweet, lovely kitten quickly turned into a vicious wild monster. Sunny was bouncing around the room, yelling and screaming in a loud voice. He was genuinely jealous and hurt; Sunny protested against sharing his family with another cat. We grabbed the cats as quickly as possible and prompted each of them back into their room. When I picked Joey up, his heart was racing.

It took the cats some time to cool down. Our first experience introducing the cats wasn’t successful. At the same time, we tried, and we learned important things about our cats. We continue to research the best ways to adjust the cat’s life and teach the boys to share the house with each other.

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