To My Special Friend Bob

Bob is a handsome senior cat with deep hazel-colored eyes. Darryl Roberts from SNAP Cats rescued Bob from the streets of Long Beach, California. The Pilots N Paws volunteers transported the special cat to Santa Rosa. You can find more information about Bob here.

Bob and I met a few years ago. Bob charmed me with his gentle, friendly demeanor, patience, and human-like eye expression. Bob’s personality blossomed around volunteers and other cats. Regardless of his rough past, Bob is a sweetheart. He trusts people and gets along with other cats. Bob enjoys pets, ear scratches, and loves when you brush his beautiful gray coat. Bob loves sunbathing outside on the patio and watching the sunset at the end of the day.

Our friendship with Bob is peaceful and serene. He doesn’t run to the door to greet me, but I always know he is there. When I see Bob lying on the desk by the computer, he brings cheers and tranquility. When I think about Bob, my day becomes bright and joyful. There is something special about Bob. Maybe his wisdom, gentle personality, or beautiful eyes, make his presence magical.

Today Bob went home with his new family. A precious moment for Bob and his person. I drove to see him this morning and to say goodbye. My boy was sitting in the middle of the room, as usual, as if it was a regular day. I sat down on the floor next to him. Bob was quiet and collected. “What do you have to say, buddy?” I asked.

For a moment, I was trying to study every stripe on Bob’s body so I could remember the details. Bob deserves to have a loving family. But why am I crying and feeling sad?

Many authors talk about friendship and say you can never lose a true friend, even you’re no longer together. Bob is still my boy, and he will remain one, even though we will be apart. I know Bob will be happy in his new home.

This afternoon I drove to the ocean. I took a long walk on the beach and watched the waves far away from the shore. I tried not to think about the time, but I knew the moment Bob was leaving SNAP Cats.

When I returned home, my furry boys ran to the door. Marley’s chirpy “Meow” cheered up my evening and reminded me that it was time to feed my precious gang. Joey rushed to greet me after a long day. My triple four-legged happiness was waiting home for me.

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